How to Enroll in Tutoring
Follow these easy steps to enroll in TU301 and start accessing tutoring services
IVC Bookstore is now located in BSTIC 101. Campus Construction Updates
Free Tutoring for IVC Students
Tutoring services are currently being held virtually via Canvas and in-person at the Student Success Center. Tutoring is free for all IVC students — all you have to do is register for TU301 Location: BSTIC. Twenty-four hours after enrolling, you will have access to our Canvas course where you will see our virtual and in-person weekly drop-in tutoring schedule. If our drop-in tutors do not tutor a subject you need tutoring in, please call our front desk staff or email us, and we will try to find a tutor for you. Additionally, you may use Pearson’s Smarthinking, which you’ll also find on our welcome page in Canvas. You can access Smarthinking tutoring 24 hours a day, 7-days a week.
M – Th: 9 am – 7 pm
F: 9 am – 2 pm
Closed on weekends and campus holidays.
M – Th: 9 am – 7 pm
Closed on Fridays, weekends, and campus holidays.
Follow these easy steps to enroll in TU301 and start accessing tutoring services
Qualified DSPS, EOPS, Re-Entry Program students, Guardian Scholars, and Veterans are eligible for up to two hours of tutoring per week for up to three classes. This includes any class, provided we can find a tutor for that course.