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To remain in the GAP4+1 program, you must:

  • Maintain at least a cumulative college GPA of at least 3.25 and a major GPA of at least 3.0 OR maintain a major GPA of at least 3.25 major GPA and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Commit to fully participate in the GAP4+1 Program full-time with 12 or more units for 8 semesters (4 years)
  • Fully participate in the required co-curricular activities, required tutoring hours, GAP4+1 cohort meetings, Accounting Society meetings, visits with firms, field trips, and other GAP4+1 events, which include blocking Fridays until 1:00PM or later.
  • Schedule an appointment to meet with the GAP4+1 Counselor at least twice per semester
  • Schedule an appointment to meet with the GAP4+1 Counselor and your mentor/mentee at least once per semester
  • Meet with your mentor at least once per month
  • Log the required number of hours in the Student Success Center for tutoring anytime through the semester. The required number of hours may vary, up to 24 hours per semester.
  • Complete all required saved class selections. Classes in this program are pre-established and guaranteed for the cohort (group). This allows students to work together as a group and to bond with one another – which enhances the potential for success.

After admission into the program, each cohort starts out by enrolling in these two summer courses immediately after graduating high school:

  • COUN 10: Introduction to College Study Skills
  • COMM 1: Communication Fundamentals

These courses are designed to increase your skills in studying, managing time, accessing campus resources, communicating, and building confidence.

During your first two years at IVC, your scheduled course load will include transferable courses for general education and core accounting - ACCT 1A: Financial Accounting and ACCT 1B: Managerial Accounting.

During your fourth semester at IVC, you will cross-enroll and take your first upper division accounting course, Intermediate Accounting (ACCT 301A), at the IVC campus. California residents will benefit from this cross-enrollment by paying a lesser fee for the CSUF class. Nonresident students, as defined by IVC, including F1 visa students, will pay the CSUF cost of enrolling through Open University, which results in a higher fee than the California residents.