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Greetings IVC Lasers!

Student clubs and organizations must register every Fall and Spring semester in order to be ratified by the Inter-Club Council (ICC).

Spring 2025* Club Renewal Form deadline: Friday, January 31, 2025 at 5 pm

*For Spring 2025: This form is for NEW Clubs. All clubs that were active in Fall 2024 have been rolled over to Spring 2025.

Registration Information item Checklist
You need this information before continuing on with the registration process.

Student Organization Information

  1. Student Organization Name
  2. General Club Email
  3. Social Media Information

Governing Documents

  1. Student Organization Mission Statement (Please work with your club advisor to draft the mission statement)
  2. Club By-Laws (Note: Develop the Club By-Laws using the template with the assistance of your Club Advisor. The Club By-Laws must be reviewed and approved by your Club Advisor and the Office of Student Life.)
  3. Club Meetings: Dates, Times, and Locations

Club Executive Officer’s Information
To be a recognized student organization at Irvine Valley College each student organization needs five (5) executive officers: President, Vice President, Clerk, Treasurer, and Inter-Club Council Representative.

  1. First, Middle Initial, and Last Name
  2. IVC Email Address
  3. Phone Number

Club Advisor’s Information
To be a recognized student organization at Irvine Valley College each student organization needs one club
advisor. The advisor must be a currently employed full - or - part-time faculty, classified professional, or
administrator at IVC.

Status message

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