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Our Cooperative Work Experience (CWE) program was developed to help further your career and educational preparation in the criminal justice field. The AOJ CWE Handbook contains all the pertinent information and forms for your successful participation in the CWE program. contains all the pertinent information and forms for your successful participation in the CWE program.

The CWE program (AJ 168) has a limited number of internship opportunities with program partners. It is recommended that the student contact other possible internship partners to see if these agencies/employers participate in an internship program. If so, contact the Administration of Justice CWE coordinator in order to facilitate a CWE partnership with that agency/employer.

Steps to Getting Started:

  • 1. Read the entire contents of the CWE handbook, which can be found below. Pay particular attention to the section entitled Course Requirements.
  • 2. Contact your employer to determine if they would like to participate as a partner in our CWE program. Have them complete the Employer Application for Internship found at the end of this handbook and return it to the AOJ CWE Coordinator.
  • 3. If you are not employed, contact the AOJ CWE Coordinator regarding possible internship opportunities with current partners. If none are available, contact agencies/employers in the field that you have an interest and ascertain if they are interested in partnering with the AOJ CWE program. If they are, contact the AOJ CWE Coordinator to set up a partnership with that agency/employer.
  • 4. Once you have established an internship opportunity, determine how many hours you will be able to complete during the internship for that semester.
  • 5. Once you have determined the number of hours (see Credit for Work / Volunteer Experience Distribution below), locate the correct AJ 168 course section in the IVC Class Schedule that coordinates with the number of hours of your internship. Be conservative on your hour estimate. If you do not complete the requested hours, you will not receive any credit for the course. Then, contact the CWE Coordinator and request an Add Permission Code (APC) for the AJ 168 course that you wish to register for.
  • 6. When you receive your APC from the CWE Coordinator, register for the class via the IVC website (MySite) or at the IVC Admissions office.
  • 7. Once you are registered, contact the CWE Coordinator and schedule a meeting to get started on your internship!

Credit for Work / Volunteer Experience Distribution

When you attempt to register for the CWE class, you must sign up for 1 unit (J ticket), 2 units (G ticket), 3 units (D ticket), or 4 units (A ticket) depending on their number of predicted hours of paid work or unpaid work that you plan to complete during the semester.  

Here is a breakdown of the number of hours of work per unit per semester:

  • 4 units = 300 hours (19 hours per week) of paid or 240 hours (15 per week) of unpaid work
  • 3 units = 225 hours (14/week) of paid or 180 hours (11/week) of unpaid work
  • 2 units = 150 hours (9.5/week) of paid or 120 hours (7.5/week) of unpaid work
  • 1 unit = 75 hours (5/week) of paid or 60 hours (3.75/week) of unpaid work

 ** Be very conservative when you sign up for your requested units. If you sign up for a unit value and do not work the required number of hours, you will not get ANY credit for the course. (For example, if you sign up for a 3 unit course and only work 200 hours (paid), you will fail the course and not receive any credit.)

 Agencies that have partnered and Participated with IVC in the CWE Program: