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Helping student achieve their individual fitness goals are the highest priority for the IVC Adapted Kinesiology Fitness Program. As part of the college's longstanding commitment to serve the entire community and embrace our tradition of rich diversity, Adapted Kinesiology is a key component in the programs of the School of Kinesiology, Health and Athletics and our colleagues in Disability Support Programs for Students (DSPS). Classes have been designed for those with temporary or chronic conditions who cannot attain their fitness goals in conventional ways.

Adapted Kinesiology At A Glance

Students enrolled in KNEA 1 work with their IVC instructor to develop a Personal Exercise Plan (PEP), focusing on fitness goals while accounting for each student's abilities. PEPs include activities designed to improve strength, flexibility, balance and cardiovascular endurance in a well-rounded program. Each student participates in a battery of assessments as a baseline and then periodically throughout the course using objective measures of fitness to determine progress and to make any necessary adjustments to his/her workout regimen.

  • Enrollment in KNEA 1 is required to participate.
  • Pre- & Post-assessments of student fitness are included in each course.
  • Individually centered, Personal Exercise Plans are developed with each student.
  • State-of-the-Art equipment and facilities.
  • Students may receive assistance with maintenance of their exercise programs after discharge from physical therapy, formal rehabilitation, or in their recovery from athletic or sports injuries.
  • Assistants are available for some participants; a student's qualified personal assistant may also participate or assist by either enrolling in the class themselves or by signing a volunteer waiver agreement.
  • Courses can be taken for either a letter grade or pass/no pass.

The Personal Exercise Plan

Upon a student's initial enrollment in the IVC Adapted Fitness Program, IVC staff will develop a Personal Exercise Plan. This customized plan considers your fitness goals, your relevant medical background and your current physical ability. Baseline objective measures may include strength, balance flexibility, body composition, anthropometric and weight measurements, resting heart rate, blood pressure, and sub-maximal VO2. This information will be used to establish a list of recommended exercises and activities to help you reach your fitness goals while accommodating any unique physical needs. Plans are reassessed throughout the course of each semester and modified accordingly.

Equal Fitness Opportunity

A number of our students require varying degrees of assistance with their exercise programs. Examples range from students who require comprehensive one-on-one assistance to safely perform their exercise routine, such as those with cognitive impairments, to students that require minimal assistance in their set-up on a piece of equipment. After an exercise program is established, every effort is made to partner students with a fellow student, assistant or their own qualified personal assistant to complete their routine in a safe and efficient manner. Please note that all assistants must operate at all times under the direction of the faculty instructor teaching the course.


Publicly funded, Irvine Valley College keeps education costs to a minimum. With the nation’s lowest educational costs at $46/unit, students have access to a state-of-the-art facility, highly specialized adaptive equipment, professional staff and assistants - about $1 per hour of class!

Health and Safety

Students are encouraged to complete all formal physical therapy or other medical rehabilitation prior to enrollment in class. In some instances, students use these classes as a bridge between formal therapy and returning to a prior exercise routine. Students are asked to have their physician or therapist provide information so that their Personal Exercise Plan is conducive to their medical condition and/or augments rehabilitation. Physicians and therapists may be asked to provide information about precautions and limitations to exercise so that any routine developed will be safe.

Additional Information

Disabled Students Program and Services

  • 949-451-5630
  • 949-451-5386 (FAX)