Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is a state-funded program for students who are financially and educationally disadvantaged.
At Irvine Valley College, EOPS works to help students succeed by providing educational opportunities, encouragement, and support services. Reaching educational goals may seem difficult sometimes. The IVC EOPS staff are committed to assisting our students in realizing their potential.
How to Qualify for EOPS
You might be eligible for EOPS if you meet ALL of the following requirements:
- Be a California Resident or AB540 student.
- Be eligible for the California College Promise Grant (formerly BOGW A or B)
- Be enrolled in 12 units or more in Fall/Spring or 4 units in Summer (some exceptions apply)
- Have less than 60 college units completed from all schools attended
- Have a minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA at Irvine Valley College
- Be educationally disadvantaged as determined by EOPS regulations.
For Current EOPS Students
How to Access Services