ASIVC Access funds all student life events, student activities, campus-wide events (including commencement), student government, and student organizations. The funds generated by ASIVC Access provide scholarships for IVC students, enrichment programs, co-curricular (e.g.: Athletics, Honors, PTK, Psi Beta, MUN, Speech and Debate, XTE), and extra-curricular activities. A few of the ASIVC-sponsored events and initiatives include Welcome Week, De-Stress Events, Club Day, ASIVC Elections, and more! ASIVC Access allows for a vibrant campus life!
Having ASIVC Access gives full access to student government-sponsored events and campus activities, including membership to over 60 active student-led clubs and organizations. Other benefits include eligibility for various academic, equity, and recognition scholarships!
What you get with ASIVC Access:
Free School Supplies
- Scantrons (6)
- Greenbooks (2)
Additional Opportunities
- Associated Students of Irvine Valley College Scholarships
- Club, Program, and Activity Involvement
- By purchasing ASIVC Access, you are eligible for student government and club officer positions (so long as you meet the additional eligibility requirements as articulated in the ASIVC By-Laws)
- 10% on IVC Bookstore Apparel
- Regal Movie Theater Movie Tickets*
- Theme Park Tickets*
*Come to the Student Activities Center to visit our touchscreen kiosk, which houses all of the ASIVC Access discounts.
Get Your ASIVC Access Today!
Only $17 each semester. There are two ways to purchase:
- Opt in to ASIVC Access when you register for classes
- Email the Student Payment Services (SPS) Office: