Help Support Irvine Valley College Students and California Community College Students!
In October 2019, Assembly Bill (AB) 1504 was signed into law, requiring California Community Colleges to collect a student representation fee (SRF) of $2 per semester. This law went into effect on January 1, 2020, and all students who initially register for classes on or after January 1, 2020 will have this fee imposed.
The focus of this fee is to emphasize the role of community colleges in California as a postsecondary institution representing 2.1 million students, in addition to establishing an assurance of the students’ role in the shared governance process. This fee provides and enhances access to governance mechanisms for the purpose of effective representation, accountability, and also improving communication, coordination, and collaborative efforts to organize and advocate on issues affecting California Community College students. Please visit the Student Senate of the California Community Colleges to learn more about the importance of this fee for all California Community College Students.
Get Involved!
You represent your own voice! You can get involved! The Associated Students of Irvine Valley College (ASIVC) exists to serve the students at IVC through awareness, advocacy and representation. The ASIVC Senate serves as the official voice for all students of Irvine Valley College and works to empower students to engage in shared governance, representing the student perspective to members of the campus community through leadership and active citizenship.
Specifics of the Fee
Your Student Representation Fee ($2) is automatically charged to your MySite student account. Students may opt-out of this fee prior to making payment in MySite. If a student wants to opt back into the SRF, they will need to contact the IVC Bursar’s Office. One dollar ($1) of the fee is going to ASIVC, and $1 for use by the Student Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC).