The College and Career Access Pathway (CCAP) or by agreement is a special part-time dual enrollment program designed for students in grades 9-12 to enroll in specific designated community college level course(s) taught by Irvine Valley College (IVC) and offered in agreement with specific secondary schools.
Although courses are often offered on site at the high school to make it convenient for students, everything about the course will remain the same as if the courses were offered at the college campus. This includes the following but are not limited to:
- academic rigor
- grading policies
- exposure to an adult learning environment
- exposure to sensitive and controversial topics
- student behavior and conduct
- expectation of student self-agency and self-advocacy to succeed in the course
- the transition from a high school student to a college student
Students in the CCAP program can take up to 15-units of courses in the program each semester. All enrollment fees (per unit cost) and health fee are waived. Textbooks are provided by the K-12 school/district (work with your high school contact helping you enroll in this program as processes differ by school site).
Courses in this program are listed on the college's schedule of classes like all other college courses, but with the comment line indicating if the class is reserved for students at a particular high school or school district through an agreement.
Planned Courses
A list of planned courses by high school site for Dual Enrollment at IVC can be found in the planning document listed below (college schedule is the definitive source).
CCAP Steps to Enroll
Additional Information