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The UCLA Transfer Alliance Program (TAP) is a collaboration between local community college Honors Programs and the UCLA College of Letters and Science in conjunction with Undergraduate Admissions and Relations with Schools. The program is designed to foster academic excellence at the community college level and to promote diversity and retention in the UCLA transfer population. Member community colleges provide enriched general education curricula emphasizing critical thinking, writing, and research through their Honors programs.

  UCLA Admission Rates

Freshmen Applicants: 9-11%
Transfer Applicants: 25-30%
IVC TAP Applicants: 70-82%

Students who are on track to complete the Honors Program at IVC with a 3.5 GPA receive priority consideration for admission to the UCLA College of Letters and Science. Admitted TAP students are also eligible to apply for scholarships reserved for TAP-certified students. The transfer rate to UCLA for students who complete the Honors Program is significantly higher than that of non-honors or freshman applicants.



  • Minimum 3.5 GPA in UC-transferable coursework 
  • Minimum 3.25 GPA in Honors coursework
  • Complete at least 9 of the 15 required Honors units by the end of the fall semester prior to transferring
  • Fulfill all transfer and major requirements

Additional UCLA TAP Resources

How to Get Certified for UCLA TAP

  • Meet with an Honors counselor to plan your courses - you will need to have a minimum of 60 units and satisfy major prep for both first-choice and alternate majors
  • Complete English and math courses as early as possible, and make progress in major prep (complete as much major prep by the end of fall semester of application year, and go beyond the minimum required major prep, if possible)
  • Maintain at least a 3.5 in UC-transferable coursework and at least a 3.25 in Honors coursework
  • Complete the UCLA TAP and UCI H2H Interest Form
  • By mid-September: Email unofficial transcripts showing courses completed at other colleges to
  • October/November: Submit the UC application
    • Be sure to allow for your information to be released, so that your name will appear in the UCLA reports sent to our Honors office
    • You may indicate UCLA TAP on the UC application, but it is not required; you will not receive TAP consideration until we submit your TAP certification
  • Fall semester: Meet with an Honors Counselor to receive advising and ensure that you're on track to complete requirements
  • By end of February: Complete TAP applicant agreement form
  • By end of February: Meet with an Honors Counselor by the end of February to complete certification paperwork