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The Irvine Valley College community recognizes the important role of freedom of expression, civility and mutual respect in fostering a healthy and productive college environment. Therefore, the college encourages an atmosphere of professionalism and cooperation, in which each member’s roles responsibilities are understood and appreciated, and in which the free expression of all opinions, beliefs and ideas is encouraged and respected. Further, the college seeks to establish the highest level of communication and transparency in the various processes of campus governance and decision making.

To achieve these goals, the college invests its resources in expressing its commitment to free expression, civility, and mutual respect in college publications, including college handbooks and manuals; in proactive education for all employees; by sponsoring projects and activities that bring people together in a spirit of hospitality, service, appreciation, and camaraderie; through regular open forums intended to foster the exchange of ideas; through maintaining open, inclusive and transparent decision-making processes, with regularly published results; and through a peer-driven process—in which all of the governance groups participate and contribute—for dispute resolution, one steeped in finding mutually agreeable solutions.